Tuesday, December 20, 2011

{i'm lame, but grateful}

I am so lame because I am just writing my thank you notes for my wedding...SIX months later! We honestly have not had time until now- thank you Christmas break.

As I have been writing these little notes, I can't put into words how truly grateful I am to each and every person that had a part in our wedding- whether it was a gift, a helping hand, or just being there to support us (or all three!). I am truly grateful for so many wonderful people in my life who give us so much support and love.

Thank you, thank you!!

I hope to return the favor one day.

1 comment:

  1. (Saw you at Pink Peonies) -- I was in the same boat as you girl, it's a lot of work!

    Best of luck to you and your new hubby!

    xo, Laura
